Sunday, June 7, 2015

Hudson's Birth Story

On Thursday, May 28, 2015 we welcomed our second baby boy, Hudson Christopher!

Here's the story of his {very fast} arrival...

I had my weekly doctor appointment in the morning at 10am.  Josh, Mason, and I all went and the doctor said everything was looking great and I was at about 3cm and 70% effaced.  I told her that I had been having a few contractions but nothing strong or close together.  The doctor said we need to get the contractions to "stick" so we went to IKEA afterwards to do some good walking.  As we were walking around IKEA, my contractions started to get much closer.  About every 10-15 minutes.  We left and got some lunch and they started to slow down again.  We came home after lunch and all took a nap before we had to take Mason to swim lessons.

At 4:30pm, we headed to Mason's swim lesson where my mom was going to meet us to watch Mason swim.  My contractions were again about 10-15 minutes apart, but they still weren't really strong, just uncomfortable.  We decided to bring Mason's packed suitcase with us, just in case.  After Mason's lesson, Josh and I asked my mom to take Mason and have him stay the night with them, just so I could get some rest while my contractions were still happening, but not increasing.

Josh and I got home about 6:00pm.  My contractions were a little closer, about every 7-10 minutes apart.  I decided to lay down and rest while Josh finished a project he was working on in the kitchen.  As I was laying down, I wasn't sure if my water was leaking a little bit (I didn't even know your water could leak until I read it about a week before and I am SO glad I did!) I told Josh that I wasn't sure, but my water might have broken.  He said we should head to the hospital.  I was skeptical because my contractions were still only about 7 minutes apart and they weren't too strong (apparently I am a little bit like Wonder Woman) and I didn't want to go to the hospital and have them send me home.

As we grabbed the last few items we needed, packed them in the hospital bag, and headed to the car, my contractions got much stronger.

We drove to the hospital with my contractions about 3-5 minutes apart and arrived at the hospital at 7:07pm. We walked inside where two other women, also in labor, had walked in immediately before us.  All three of us were wheeled upstairs after a few minutes of the question game.  The first two women were put into triage rooms, but there was no room for me, so I was put right into a regular delivery room, thank goodness!

We got into the room at about 7:30pm, I got on a gown, they started the IV and brought my wristband (everything was moving so fast that they moved me upstairs without even completing my hospital  check in.)

The nurse checked me and said I was at about 3.5 cm.  WHAT?!  They gave me some oxygen and said that baby's heartbeat was dropping a little bit with each contraction so they would "probably" keep me...

About ten minutes later my water broke and I was screaming that I felt pressure and that he was right there.  They called the doctor from upstairs, but the nurse also quickly grabbed the midwife that works at my OB office, from the hallway just in case.  As I was screaming in pain, Josh asked the midwife if I could get the epidural (because don't forget, we have only been in the hospital room for about 20 minutes by now and they haven't done the epidural yet.)  Her reply was a very sweet, "ah, no." WHAT?!  I said, "Really?" "Can I do this without an epidural?"  Heck yes, I can, and I DID!

All in one contraction, the midwife said I could push if I felt like I needed to, so I did, and in one big push Hudson was born at 8:11pm!

All I can say is, THANK GOODNESS we went to the hospital when we did.  Otherwise, I would have waited until my water broke and he would have been born at home or in the car.
THANK GOODNESS there wasn't enough room in triage, so I was already in a delivery room.
THANK GOODNESS we decided to have Mason go with my mom just two hours earlier or he probably would have been in the delivery room with us.

It was SO fast, a little crazy, but completely wonderful and perfect.
We are so happy and so blessed.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Mason's Birth Story

Mason’s Birth Story
On Friday, October 27, 2012 around 10:15pm I started having slight contractions that felt different than anything I had felt before. I waited until I could tell if they were getting stronger or if they were happening consistently. Around 11:00pm I was so tired and told Josh that I thought I was having contractions and I was ready for bed. I noticed the contractions getting stronger and stronger but tried to rest in spite of growing more and more uncomfortable.  Around 12:30am on October 28, 2012 I began timing the contractions. They were anywhere from 3 to 6 minutes apart and were getting stronger still. Josh asked every thirty minutes if we should go to the hospital yet, but I kept trying to hold off as long as I could.

At 2:00am Josh woke up and asked me once again if I was ready. I told him at that time that I thought we should probably head to the hospital. We grabbed the car seat and hospital bag, packed the last minute things we would need and drove the 10 minutes to Banner Ironwood. We got there with only having two contractions on the way.
Since it was so late, we entered through the Emergency Room.  We walked in and I told the front desk, “I’m pretty sure I’m having my baby!”

I was put in a wheelchair and taken to a triage room. My contractions were still less than 5 minutes apart. The nurse checked me and I was dilated to 2cm and still only 50% effaced.  Baby and I were both monitored and I was given graham crackers and apple juice to keep Mason moving so he would move down during contractions and continue to dilate me.
At 4:45 the nurse came in to check me again and told us there had been no change. I was being sent home with instructions to “eat something and try to get some sleep.” Sure, right.  I was in so much pain, that neither one of those things were going to happen.

I told Josh to try to get some sleep as I laid on the bed on my right side and writhed in pain every two or three minutes.  By 6:45am I was in so much pain that I was about ready to tell Josh that we had to go back to the hospital and tell them they had to do something.  I was trying to tough out the pain, but I could tell it was getting even stronger still.  At 7:00am I was lying on our bed and all of a sudden felt a surge of pressure.  I immediately knew my water was going to break.  I shot up and ran to the bathroom and instantly thought, “We can go back to the hospital and they can’t send me home again!”

We made it back to the hospital where the contractions continued to get stronger still.  I knew the pain was worse than when I had been there a few hours earlier, but I had no idea how far along I would be.
They took me again to a triage room and checked me. I was 100% effaced and dilated to 6cm.  They couldn’t believe how fast I progressed and tried to start the IV.  Josh told them I wanted an epidural as well.  The first nurse blew the vein on my left hand so it took twice as long to get the IV in as I was having contractions thirty seconds or so. The nurses said I had to have a whole bag of liquid before I could have the epidural, but they called the anesthesiologist before even wheeling me across the hall to a delivery room.
The anesthesiologist was walking in at the same time I was being wheeled through the door. 

The nurses checked me again and told me I was dilated to 10cm. They pushed the IV liquid through as fast as they could while the anesthesiologist got ready to do the epidural.  I sat on the edge of the bed and about four minutes later the anesthesiologist said he was done placing the epidural.  Just as he was done and I was still sitting on the edge of the bed, I felt a whole new feeling of pressure and had to lift my body off the bed as I felt a head pushing down.
The nurses continued to push the liquid through my IV as the anesthesiologist administered an emergency dose of epidural medication.  After another five minutes of contractions, my legs finally began to get numb. Up until this time I had felt everything.

As the epidural took effect, I was told we were going to do some pushes to get Mason’s head under my pubic bone.  After about an hour of pushes with the labor and delivery nurse the doctor came in and I began to push again.  Thirty minutes later, at 10:31am, Mason was born!  7lbs 6oz.  21in. long

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Thank You Cards No.3

If you ever read my old blog, you'll know that I thoroughly enjoy Jimmy Fallon and when he does his weekly "thank you cards."  You can read previous installments if you'd like:  No.1 here  No.2 here.
So, without further adieu... I give you Thank you notes No. 3.

Dear Nail places, 
Thank you for mutilating, YES, you heard me, mutilating my poor cuticles every time I get my nails done. Let's play a game of odds. I have ten fingers and six places where you cut me and made me bleed. Not. Good. Odds. 

Dear Girl Scouts of America, 
Thank you for allowing me to support your goal of selling a bazillion boxes of cookies while simultaneously allowing me to double my pants size. Jeez, what a deal!

Dear Zumba, 
Thank you for making me feel like it's ok to eat a whole pizza since "I worked out twice this week." Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, ya.

Dear Eye Brow Waxing, 
Thank you for making me look like a freak for a whole day with bright red eye brows in order to have nicely shaped brows for the next six weeks. I guess it's worth it. 

Dear People of Walmart, 
Thank you for making me feel better about myself even on days when I don't shower, rock the "second day smokey eye" look and embrace my frizzy hair. You're my favorite.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

You're Missing Out

Some TV is just too good NOT to watch.  If you are not watching the following shows you are seriously missing out! Your life will never be the same...ok...well, maybe it will be pretty much the same, but you will feel more fulfilled...probably.

I give you my list of "must watch" TV.
1. Modern Family- unbelievably funny. Laugh like crazy on ABC Wednedays at 8pm.

2. The Big Bang Theory- If Dr. Sheldon Cooper is not a part of your life, I'm sorry. I love him and his quirky ways. Love him too on Thursdays at 7pm.

3. Pretty Little Liars- I know I've mentioned this one before but c'mon!  It's THAT good! You can find this steamy, suspenseful nugget of goodness on ABC Family Mondays at 9pm.

4. One show that I still love, but is beginning to irritate me...I may get stoned for rocks being thrown at me. Jeez, what were you thinking.

I love it, but how many seasons can I continue to watch before I go crazy from not knowing who the mother is!  I will tell you how many many as there are until they FREAKING TELL US! Ugh.
If we don't find out soon I'm going to start throwing stuff.

Is there something you LOVE that I should be watching? You'd have to be pretty convincing. Try me.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Be My Valentine

Valentine's Day was sweet.  Nothing too outrageous. Nothing spectacular. We decided no gifts and we'd just grab dinner to eat at home and relax since we both had to work and don't get home until 7.
I had a little celebration with my students which involved my famous (Yes, I'm saying it's famous, but I'm sure I'm the only one that thinks so.) Love Potion.  The rule is that if you take a drink while you are looking directly into someone's eyes, you will instantly fall madly in love with them. Telling this to 30 ten year olds is hilarious!  They either single out people to look at or drink with their eyes closed the whole time!

Anyway...back to my Valentine's Day...
So in the afternoon while I was celebrating with my kids the office called in on the intercom and said there was a delivery for me and I probably wanted to get it right away.
So I send two students to get it and in they walk with a COLD box from Shari's Berries! Josh sent me chocolate dipped strawberries! That surprise filled cutie pants!
He said he didn't want to get me flowers because everyone does flowers and he wanted to do something different. I thought it was way cute and it totally made my day! (We still did end up getting dinner to bring home and relaxing on the couch, too.)

Fast forward to after Valentine's Day.
Working hard, shaping the minds of the future, you know...all that jazz.
I get a message from the office that says there is another package for me and I should come get it when I can. I wait until I have a special and go to the office to find flowers!!!
That's not even the best part...
The card said...

"Because one day isn't enough to tell you how much I love you."
                                                    Love, Josh

SQUEAL!!!! Talk about sweet. It made me totally cry.
I have the best husband ever. Hands down.
I hope you all felt loved on your Valentine's Day...or the day after!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My Side of the Bed

So I have this theory about which side of the bed people choose to sleep on. I believe that, for the most part, girls sleep on the same side of the bed that they saw their mothers sleep on while they were growing up.  It's like people subconsciously log away the process of going into their parent's bedroom in the middle of the night after a bad dream and knowing exactly which side to find their mom on. (Not that dads weren't good at comforting after a bad dream, but let's be real...if you had a mom, that's where it was at!)

I know some people are going to say "No way, that's not true at all!"
But I think many and probably most will totally say "Wait...yes! I DO sleep on the same side my mom slept on!"

I also think from standing at the foot of the bed and looking it, more girls sleep on the left side.
Let me know. Help my unimportant research.

You can always count on me to discuss the really important topics.
Lauren: changing the world, one ridiculous movement at a time!
Remember the Prefriday Movement from 2 years ago? No? You can read it again here.
It has totally caught on.  Embrace the change!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Missing: One Good Radio Station

In our house we have been mourning the loss of good radio and it's just not getting any easier. 
Our beloved Edge 103.9 had been changed to X 103.9 a while back and then got a complete format overhaul out of nowhere
For years, we've been able to count on 103.9 FM to play alternative music that appealed to so many listeners in the valley.  Music that wasn't always "mainstream popular" but that added a spark to FM radio and introduced music lovers to new and up and coming artists.  103.9 FM would play songs and artists that you couldn't hear on other stations.  
Now, I'm not usually one to point fingers or make irrational opinionated statements, but here goes...
I believe Dave Pratt "The Morning Mayor" is to blame for these unappealing changes.
Radio veteran Dave Pratt came to 103.9 FM back in August and not even six months later, it's a completely different station. Coincidence? I think not.
Some people believe he was just ahead of the curve of the future of X 103.9 when he joined. Ya, right. 
From the moment he stepped into the studio he was set on having a "no format" format and played artists such as Van Halen and Aerosmith.  I think most listeners would agree that these artists aren't bad. That's not the issue. The issue is that if 103.9 listeners want to hear classic rock and popular music, from before most of them could drive, there are plenty of other stations they can turn to. The valley didn't need another mainstream station, and we didn't need a good station to be taken away to make room for classic bands.
What stations are going to regularly play bands such as Sublime, Blink 182, The All American Rejects, Cage the Elephant, Good Charlotte, Authority Zero, Unwritten Law, Jimmy Eat World, Flogging Molly, Incubus, etc. Additionally, what station is going to bring these types of bands to the valley for concerts? None. 
The list of good music radio is losing is a mile long. 
Radio DJs that were well known on 103.9 were also let go with the format change. Craven Moorehead, the host of The SkaPunk Show (both of which are now gone) did an interview with The Phoenix New Times.  His outlook on the future and livelihood of Alternative music in the valley is a lot more positive than mine. 
Given the format shift at X103.9, are you optimistic about the future of alternative radio?
I am not sure about the future of alternative on the FM. It certainly has taken its licks over the last few years. It's a tough format to program because there are so many different genres under the alternative umbrella. You can't simply plug in the top testing songs around the country like you can on other hit driven radio stations. And you can't get away with just playing old time tested classics from it's hey day in the '90s because I believe alternative listeners of all ages do not want to be treated like classic rockers.
I believe alternative listeners of all ages are people who constantly crave new music. That is what made them listeners of alternative music in the first place. They wanted to find something new that was different from the norm. But with the way ratings are tabulated new music is a no-no. If you're not playing a tested hit song past or present your station is losing ratings, your station is losing money and then you walk into work like I did and you lose your job! I do believe it can work, but it would take some insanely good programming that was equal part guts and research. Not just playing the numbers game.
 You can read the full interview article here

I worry that great alternative music is going to suffer.  New bands are not going to get the air time and publicity they need. Every station is going to be the same old music that you hear in shopping malls and played in your ear while you're on hold with your dentist's office. 

What can we do to bring back the old EDGE, X, whatever you want to call it, 103.9? 
Repost this and share it with whoever you can. Post a link on your blog, facebook, twitter, etc. 
Let's get the word out and bring good bands back to "valley of the sun" radio!